Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The VFX In The National Domestic Hotline PSA

When I first imagined how the scenes where she wipes away the bruises would go, I came up with the plan to apply alcohol to her fingers so when she wipes across the makeup, it would come off. Although it could have worked, on the day of the shoot, my cinematographer (who is also quite proficient in visual effects) suggested that we shoot two part coverage of each scene where she wipes the bruises away. One part, where she will have the bruise makeup on and the other part, we shoot with the makeup off. With this, he planned to mask the makeup with the footage of her having no makeup and editing it so that it would appear that she actually was wiping away the bruises in one single swipe. 

I am so thankful for him because his idea proved to be much better and it came out just as I had imagined when I wrote the script. However, we came across a problem with the last scene where she wipes away her makeup and reveals the bruises. Our issue was when it came time to shoot the final scene, she had to start the scene with no makeup on, but my actress was already in makeup because my makeup artist had to do the facial bruises for she had another appointment and had to leave early. If we took the makeup off to start the scene, we would have no makeup artist or makeup to redo the bruises for the final shot. 

We were struggling to figure out how we could accomplish the scene when finally, my actress had the idea of wiping her bruise makeup off in a backwards motion, and then just reversing the shot in post so that it would appear that she was wiping away makeup to reveal bruises. It was absolutely brilliant and worked perfectly and had I not revealed that just now, you wouldn't have even noticed that was what we did and that is why I love working as a team where more ideas can flow and become useful. 

If you want to watch the PSA, check it out here

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